Radio is something I've been passionate about for years.
It is with great sadness and much regret that I must inform our loyal followers of my departure from the internet "airwaves".
The past almost 3 years of my life have been nothing short of magical. I started the Three Strange Women Radio Show on July 4th, 2011 at the 82 Bedford St studio of UNregular Radio and have been broadcasting almost every single week since that day. Through my time working in the industry and running my own radio show, I've learned and grown more in these past 3 years than in most previous years of my life combined. I have never felt, been filled with, or been able to properly express so much passion as I have through radio.
In the past year and a half, I've lived to the extremes, loved intensely, lost abruptly, rebuilt with passion, and, as it would seem, lost again.

However, I don't really see my departure from radio as a loss as much as an opportunity to grow. This is a very difficult, yet surprisingly relieving step forward regarding my newly launched business. I see this as a necessary decision to further myself as a professional in a scene encompassing more than just radio. I am more than confident that my leave of absence will allow me to further my experiences as a business woman.

I intend to focus my attention on generating a more solid and reliable foundation to use as a platform for bigger and better things to come. 
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING can take away from the greatness I've experienced and built through following my dreams, reaching for the highest stars, and never giving up. I am blessed to have such ambition and drive. Doubtful moments happen... but my fear of what life would be like if I didn't at least TRY to do something I love always outweighs the brief feeling of defeat.
As both a responsible, communicative, and honest young woman, I've had to reevaluate my financial situation to a point where any future income is to be used for my events. Currently, I am in a position where seeking recurring, weekly/monthly radio sponsorship has unfortunately become of secondary importance. There are no non-monetary options to be worked out at this point in time. Hence, I've been left with no other choice but to bow down and continue my work elsewhere.

My focus right now has shifted to bigger and more prominent campaigns and events I'm working on, such as "HOPE FLOATS" - my Boston Pride Parade Float Fundraising Campaign & "Très Chic" - my Third Thursday event @ Machine (both completely separate entities from the radio show).

Until further notice, I plan to write more blog posts, as well as conduct short, targeted, in the field interviews with guests relevant to issues and events in the LGBT community.

My plan over the next year or so will be to organize some type of tour/travel experience under the Three Strange Women Productions brand, as well as carrying on with my dance parties and Pride Parade events! 

A dear friend of mine said to me just before my 22nd birthday, "I can't wait to see where you are when you're 30"... I'm 25 now, and much further along than I ever thought I would be. The one thing I know for sure is that THE FUN HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN.
I am forever changed by my experiences in the radio world.
It breaks my heart to be stepping back, but at least I feel a little more at peace about it this time around.

If it weren't for all of this radio chaos, I would have never met any of my best friends and, my goodness, how sad of a life that would be! My friends and those I've grown close to over the past few years mean more to me than anything. It's through the love and support from everyone who has touched my life that I've been able to overcome some of my biggest fears, insecurities, and even diseases.
To my most recent radio station, I wish you luck with your business. I obviously fully support your mission and wish all of the individual professionals involved the best in their own future endeavors. WE are the scene. Never forget that.

An extra special thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has been involved with my radio show, past and present, and to those who helped with events/parties/the parade last year. You have made Three Strange Women what we are today! <3
Much love,
Ms Jackie Soriano
Three Strange Women Productions
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