Sunday, May 20, 2012

UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 7

UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 7 "Amendment 1... Pffft..."

    Whether we as a human species realize it or not, discrimination is still a huge issue today in our society. I generally try to stay away from politics, because a number of political issues surrounding the LGBT community are fueled by awful stories filled with hate and bigotry aimed directly at a group of people who want nothing more than to feel equal. That being said, the topic of this article was completely unavoidable. 

    "Although I probably shouldn't have been, I was surprised to

     discover these results. "

    Last Tuesday, the state of North Carolina passed Amendment One which took their existing intolerant same sex laws to a whole new level. Same sex marriage is already illegal in NC, and with Amendment One in place,“marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State”. This means that couples in civil unions and other forms of domestic partnerships will no longer have rights or be recognized. The law passed with about 61% of voters in favor. 

    Although I probably shouldn't have been, I was surprised to discover these results. 

    Within 10 minutes of hearing the final count, the internet had exploded with status updates and tweets about North Carolina's decision (I am guilty of being one of them). Being the outspoken woman I am, I commented on a friend's post calling "North Carolina... The Turn the Clock Back State...." with the response, "Fuck North Carolina".

           "What ever happened to 'treat others the way you wish to be treated'?"

    Apparently, this person knows a few people in NC who were less than pleased with my response. I was then told that "the people have spoken" and that I needed to stop being "butt hurt" over the situation. Besides this person's horrid grammar and nonsensical reasoning behind their position, I was then greeted with a long list of 15-20 bible verses, each stating something along the lines of "homosexuality is a sin" and was told that my soul would be prayed for... (commence rage filled steam shooting out of my ears).

    I quickly told him that I did not need his prayers, and that he should probably pray for himself if he has such hate filled, bigoted views on human rights in the first place. 

    What ever happened to "treat others the way you wish to be treated"? As far as I know, that is supposed to be the basis of Christianity (I attended Catholic school from Kindergarten until 11th grade, don't spew your bible bullshit at me, thanks).

           "In my eyes, this is an example of discrimination at its all time worst."

    My blood was boiling at this point and it lead me to contemplate a few serious ideas... How "free" are we as a country is this is what we've come down to? Voting on the rights of humans who are physically NO DIFFERENT than anyone else is simply wrong. Most gay people are amazing, caring, loving people, who function in the world just as well, if not better than most straight people. We work at your hospitals, in your grocery stores, and in your clothing shops. We are the people you unknowingly utilize everyday for simple tasks such as getting your morning coffee and making your daily lunch. There is no way to tell a gay person from a straight person just by image alone. You probably encounter a number of gay people on a regular basis and have no idea they're gay because it doesn't affect your life whether they are or aren't!

    In my eyes, this is an example of discrimination at its all time worst. My message to anyone who does not support equal rights and marriage equality is: YOU will be the ones to "suffer" in the end when you have to watch my queer ass spewing rainbows and happiness all over the world when I have the legal rights to be with whomever I please. Not having these legal rights and protections hasn't stopped me yet! You WILL NOT STOP US. ("Suffer" is in quotes because I don't believe any pain or suffering will come from happy LGBT people. End of story.)

    All of the bigotry aimed at the LGBT community has helped spark a wave of people in support of LGBT equality and rights. All of the arguments and debating has brought these issues to the mainstream, which, in this case has become a positive circumstance. Bringing these LGBT issues into mainstream media light has helped the community a great deal by exhibiting just how many people either identify or support the idea of equality for all. 

           "In lieu of winning the battle for equality in the State of North Carolina, we have gained the public support of our current United States President."

    Wednesday afternoon, President Barack Obama spoke out publicly stating, "At a certain point I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married." 

    After several years of "evolving" on the subject of same sex marriage and LGBT rights, it is now finally nice to see that President Obama is sticking up for us. He has single-handedly done more for LGBT people and our rights than any president to date. Here is a list of exactly what President Obama has done for us (Link to list of Obama LGBT accomplishments)

    In lieu of winning the battle for equality in the State of North Carolina, we have gained the public support of our current United States President. It seems like a bittersweet victory at the moment, but I'll take it for what its worth. Right now we are at a crucial time for presidential candidates, and what we have happening here may very well be a game-changer for the United States of America as a whole, as far as LGBT equality and rights are concerned. 

    In conclusion I will say this: It is my right as an American citizen to demand equal rights. What is NOT okay is for my rights as an individual to be taken away by my country and for me to be made to feel less equal because of my sexual identity. I see Amendment One as a law directly discriminating a group of American citizens in an unfair manner. In NC I could marry my blender or my cousin, but not my girlfriend. What kind of backwards, twisted lifestyle is that?! I'm still completely appalled and minimally surprised that this battle is really still an issue in our society.... 61% IN FAVOR? You've got to be kidding me... My rights to love whomever I wish are not ANYONE's to be voted on. To all of my LGBT family and loved ones, please stay strong. This is not our final battle, and the struggle for LGBT equality WILL BE OVERCOME!

    With love, peace, and every bit of freedom I've got within, I will fight for my rights.

    Jackie Soriano

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