Wednesday, September 5, 2012

UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 18 Family

    Families come in many different forms and sizes. No matter who you are, and no matter where you're from, there is a pretty good chance you were raised by some sort of family.
    A traditional nuclear family consists of a father (husband), mother (wife), and a child or two. Now, as many people know, life doesn't always go as planned, and sometimes this "typical" family foundation is broken. A large percentage of marriages in this day and age end in divorce, in turn, breaking up these families. 

    Tuesday, September 4, 2012

    Monday, September 3, 2012

    UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 16

    UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 16 Chick-Fil-Gay

      With all of the recent debate surrounding Chick-Fil-A and Boston's Mayor Thomas Menino's stance on the issue, the one thing I really can say at this point is that deciding who to put my trust into as an LGBT community member is becoming harder and harder. Human rights are not open to debate. LGBT rights should not be a popularity contest, but I fear that it is exactly what this issue is becoming. 

      Thursday, July 26, 2012

      UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 15

      UR Lesbian LGBT Files: Vol 15 Relationships

        Whether you're gay, straight, bi, trans, black, white, or purple, one thing most people can agree on is that relationships of all kinds are not always easy.
        Even friendships can be hard to maintain over the years as people grow and change as individuals. It is never really a fun situation to encounter, but occasionally two people reach points in their lives where they branch off and eventually find themselves unable to relate to one another anymore.

        UR Lesbian: LGB Files Volume 14

        UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 14 TSW 1 year anniversary

          Monday July 2nd marks the one year anniversary of the first live broadcast of Three Strange Women on UNregular Radio!
          For anyone who doesn't already know, Three Strange Women is my little monster of a creation. We are currently the only show on UNregular Radio geared specifically towards the LGBT community. Each Monday from 3:00 to 4:00pm EST, Three Strange Women drenches our fantastic listeners with as much positive LGBT content and music as we can squeeze into one hour. 

          Friday, June 29, 2012

          UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 13

          UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 13; Gay Boston Media Past and Present

            Carmelita, Jackie, Sue
            Last week's LGBT Files article was about gay friendly travel in the U.S. and around the world. This week, we're taking it back home to Massachusetts to examine some of the gay culture here in Boston's media scene.

            First, a brief look at Boston's gay marriage history:

            On May 17th, 2004, just over 8 years ago, Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same sex marriage. This would then make us the 6th jurisdiction world wide to incorporate same sex marriage laws into legislation, along with Belgium, Quebec, the Netherlands, Ontario, and British Colombia at the time. Since 2004 the list has grown to include 8 other countries and 5 more U.S. states: Spain (2005), Canada (2005), South Africa (2006), Norway (2009), Sweden (2009), Portugal (2010), Iceland (2010), & Argentina (2010) along with U.S. StatesConnecticut (2008), Iowa (2009), Vermont (2009),  New Hampshire (2010) , and New York (2011).

            Monday, June 25, 2012

            UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 12

            UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 12 Gay Friendly Travel

              If you're like me, and you love to travel and meet new people, then this article is for you! Summer is here, and the festival scene is bumping! I will be traveling here and there over the summer, exploring everything the scene has to offer .

              Monday, June 18, 2012

              UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 11

              UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 11 "Gender Idendity & Sexual Orientation"

                Although the two often go hand in hand, there is a distinct difference between gender identity and sexual orientation.  Gender identity typically refers to what is happening in relation to the physical body, where as orientation deals with who we are attracted to sexually.
                Gender identity is how we identify on the male/female spectrum and how we'd like others to perceive us. Most people are born as either physically male or physically female (with some obvious exceptions). That being said, this is not always the case when it comes down to how the person identifies emotionally, as some people feel that their gender does not match their physical sex. 

                Gender identity affects a person's life in many, if not all areas on a daily basis. We use gender specific restrooms, have gender specific departments in stores, and have created gender specific fragrances. In many cases, gender even affects how we interact with each individual person we encounter in terms of behavioral expectations, roles at jobs or in households, and on many other levels. We have a tendency to place gender specific expectations on people based on their identity as male or female, men being stereo-typically strong and given the role as provider, and women being seen as stereo-typically sensitive or emotional and are expected to be caretakers.

                From a young age, we are conditioned to accept our gender. Boys play with trucks and tools, girls play with dolls and tea sets. Many children don't often think about gender growing up because their gender matches their anatomy. However, in some cases, boys want to play with dolls and girls want to play with trucks. While it can be an extreme situation, this can sometimes be the first sign of a child's gender identity shifting (or a preview to the child's sexuality which is usually determined a little later in life). Some societies are very accepting of the fact that not everyone fits directly into the male and female categories and they acknowledge a third gender. Trans individuals have the tough job of dealing with issues of gender in society because they want to physically represent who they truly are on the inside.

                Sunday, June 17, 2012

                UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 10

                UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 10 "Coming Out"

                  Coming out, also known as "coming out of the closet", is a figure of speech used by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community to describe when an individual voluntarily discloses his or her sexual identity. Coming out can be both a comforting and stressful event. It is about so much more than just proclaiming one's sexuality to the public. 

                  Monday, June 4, 2012

                  UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 9

                  UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 9 Celebrities and the LGBT Community

                    There are many prominent celebrities who identify within the LGBT community. As someone who identifies with said community, it is comforting to be able to look to the mainstream media for support. 

                    From my standpoint, the queer lifestyle is something quite normal.

                    On occasion, I find myself debating this topic, even with people who are encompassed by the LGBT umbrella. More often than not, I will end with a retort somewhere along the lines of "I feel that homosexuality and the queer lifestyle are normal because this is a lifestyle I choose to live and have identified with for close to a decade. What is not normal to me is seeing people so overly concerned with my choices." I live my life everyday as the best person I can be, and my sexuality is an entirely separate entity. 

                    The number of celebrities who identify as L-G-B or T has steadily risen over the past decade, and even more so over the past 4 or 5 years. A good amount of those celebrities are also working to raise awareness and create a positive image for the community.  

                    UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 8

                    UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 8 Discrimination in the LGBT community

                      In last week's article, I touched on discrimination against the LGBT community, mainly focusing on Amendment One and the discrimination within our nation. LGBT discrimination IS a huge issue nationally, but what many people don't realize is that this discrimination is also a problem WITHIN the LGBT community. This is NOT OKAY on so many levels. 

                      Discrimination within the LGBT community takes many different forms. A few examples are bisexual discrimination, trans-phobia/discrimination, and gay/lesbian stereotype discrimination.

                      Sunday, May 20, 2012

                      UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 7

                      UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 7 "Amendment 1... Pffft..."

                        Whether we as a human species realize it or not, discrimination is still a huge issue today in our society. I generally try to stay away from politics, because a number of political issues surrounding the LGBT community are fueled by awful stories filled with hate and bigotry aimed directly at a group of people who want nothing more than to feel equal. That being said, the topic of this article was completely unavoidable. 

                        UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 6

                        UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 6 "Social Media"

                          Left to Right: Conrad, Joy, Tybelle, Jackie Adam Bouska: NoH8 creator
                          Over the past couple of years, social media has blown up and become a huge part of most people's everyday lives.

                          Sunday, May 6, 2012

                          UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 5

                          UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Vol. 5 Sex Positivity & Saftey

                            Two weeks ago my friend/co-host of Three Strange Women, Jeska, and I attended Jincey Lumpkin's talk at Harvard University. She covered a number of important topics as well as told us some very personal details about her background, growing up hiding the fact that she is a lesbian, and her intentions through her creative work at Juicy Pink Box.
                            I was thrilled to meet her and had a great time. My favorite part was her question and answer segment at the end of the talk, because she answered everyone's questions in an honest, professional manner. I took some time to let everything she spoke about sink in before deciding to write about it. 

                                   "Don't get me wrong, I strongly believe that everyone has the right and freedom to be involved with whomever they please..." 

                            Tuesday, April 24, 2012

                            UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 3

                            UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 3 Femme Invisibility

                              Queer comes in many different shapes and sizes. One of the greatest joys of identifying with the LGBT community is getting to experience the incredible amount of diversity that can be found within it.

                              Monday, April 16, 2012

                              UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 2 Photo Project

                              UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 2: Photo Project

                                Jackie Soriano and NOH8 Crew
                                As some of you may or may not know, I gave up a significant chunk of my social life (and the better part of my sanity) for about a month and a half to save up the cash for my very own big kid camera (a Cannon T2i for any photo geeks who know what I'm talking about).

                                Sunday, April 15, 2012

                                UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 1

                                UR Lesbian LGBT Files: Volume 1

                                Three Strange Women
                                I've never been one to be shy about my feelings or bite my tongue in a situation (in fact, I enjoy my lack of brain to mouth filter), and for the first time, possibly ever, it has paid off for me. Most people wouldn't necessarily label me as gay just by looking at me, but once I open my mouth, it becomes clear fairly quickly. 

                                A Quick Blurb About Three Strange Women

                                The Three Strange Women Official Flyer

                                Three Strange Women

                                We are Three Strange Women. Our online radio show is aimed at, but not limited to the LGBT/Queer community across the globe! We are a wonderful team of ladies lined up to keep you interested and engaged.

                                We plan on keeping it light-hearted, with POSITIVE coming out and transition stories to give hope and encouragement to others planning on or thinking about coming out. We feature free music streaming on the show with pop, electronic, and dance music created by local Boston artists and artists from all over. We will keep the listeners updated with LGBT/Queer friendly events happening in Boston and the surrounding areas!