Monday, April 16, 2012

UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 2 Photo Project

UR Lesbian: LGBT Files Volume 2: Photo Project

    Jackie Soriano and NOH8 Crew
    As some of you may or may not know, I gave up a significant chunk of my social life (and the better part of my sanity) for about a month and a half to save up the cash for my very own big kid camera (a Cannon T2i for any photo geeks who know what I'm talking about).

    I've always had a keen eye for photography, and with a basic knowledge of photography and Photoshop skills, it didn't come as a surprise to me when I began to crave some time behind the camera. I am lucky enough to be surrounded with a surplus of talented photographer friends who are always willing to put me in front of their own cameras or give me some advice. With UNregular Radio having a DSLR hanging around the studio for work purposes, I figured I had a pretty good platform to start exploring my creative depths on the OTHER side of the lens.

    I started off shooting shows hosted by UNregular Radio both in the studio and out in the field, and eventually began taking photos of bands that I enjoy and writing up articles about the show for the UR website. It occurred to me that I would be needing my own camera to do shoots after I being contacted about a paid gig, and I did what I had to do, sacrificed a few weeks worth of drinks and joints and saved up the money to buy my camera.  I tend to do a significant amount of decision making on impulse, and never really had a concrete plan for anything photography related that I might actually do with this camera. I just went ahead and bought the thing.

    Since purchasing my new baby (camera), I've been thinking long and hard about possible ideas for a side project and after much time and consideration, a topic has been decided. I am going to be doing a photo montage of somewhere between 30 and 50 people who identify as either Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender. This will involve me doing one on one photo shoots in a creative environment with each individual chosen to be a part of this project. I want to make each final shot a representation of the individual in a situation where he/she feels like they can be them self and feel safe, whether that be in their home, the local coffee shop, or outdoors at a favorite park. 

    I will be giving myself a decent chunk of time to complete the whole thing, and plan to have the entire project finalized by mid to late August of 2012. I'm thrilled to be spreading my message of positivity with the LGBT community, not only through Three Strange Women on the airwaves and more recently the LGBT article writing for the UR site, but also now being able to explore though the visual art of photography. 

    To anyone reading this who identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender:  If you are interested in participating in this project, please send an email with your name, age, and a brief explanation of your role as a member of the LGBT community What are some of your LGBT experiences? Are you gay? Bi? Are you in the closet?  If you're not, how "out" are you? Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the project, I will be more than happy to answer! 

    -Jackie Soriano

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